Sunday, November 22, 2015

Importance of Evaluation in Education

As we can see today No examination for Standard 1st to 8th after in Board Examination 80-20 pattern this all has down the quality of education. Passing ration of students has been increased but Because of this system students are not taking efforts on learning. Somewhere we have to think on this. 

I have seen students who scores 20 out of 80 in examination is passing his examination because he gets more than 15 out 20 in oral examination which is conducted by school and marks are given by school. Apart of this students is giving examination of 6 subject but can score with the marks of 5 only which is called best of five today. 

Overall Education system has developed continuous comprehensive evaluation method for primary education. But do you think in our traditions is it worth? Never Because we have not developed platform for such evaluation methods. 

Today We are talking about skill development do we think it is possible? It might be possible but with this method we will create more labour not technicians, researchers and such kind of personality. 

Again we have to think on overall Educational evaluation. After all new generation is our future.  

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